Wednesday 16 March 2011

Worthy blogging moment!

Just chilling in bed, reading Enduring Love you know how it is, retakes for exams! Well anyway, this thought popped into my head, which I am not sharing, but I just thought "man, I love that I have two mint people in my life", see.. it's like I have NO secret, because one of them will know what the other one doesn't. Which means I've always got someone I can talk to about something. It's great. Man, I love my friends today. I just love life. Except for the fact that I have to retake an AS English exam, well I don't HAVE to, but it's necessary! This means I have to get into reading Tennyson, Keats, Enduring Love and Great Gatsby. Thing about this is, one of these texts I'm very happy about reading again, Great Gatsby, great being the word! Shame about the other ones!
Anyway, I'm tired and have to finish this chapter, I'd just got excited and distracted so thought blogging was necessary!

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